Wednesday, March 11, 2015

And the name is Menachem Mendel!


On the 5th of Adar, a new member was born into our community, to Chief Rabbi of Ulyanovsk, Rabbi Yossi and Rabbanit Suri Marozov

On the 12th of Adar, our community celebrated his Bris. The new baby was named Menachem Mendel!

This event was truly historical and emotional for our community. Although Rabbi Yossi and Suri have numerous children, they were all born in the United States. Menachem Mendel was the first to be born in Ulyanovsk, so this was the first circumcision celebrated for a Rabbi's son here in Ulyanovsk in the past 100 years!

The ceremony began, in the restaurant "Aveinga", with music and a standing ovation greeting the new baby, who was carried in by Mr. Eliezer and Mrs. Esther Dabakarov.

As customary, the baby was passed to the seat of Eliyahu by various important members of our community. From the seat of Eliyahu, he was passed to the father of the baby, who held the baby throughout the Bris.

The Mohel was Dr. Mordechai Tzvi Solomon, who flew in from Basil, Switzerland! Another important guest of honor was Rabbi Yitzchok Gorelic, Chief Rabbi of Tatarstan, who recited the various prayers said during the circumcision.

The baby was named Menachem Mendel after Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe!

As the baby was escorted out of the room, everybody wished Rabbanit Sara "Mazal Tov" and many handed her presents! The guests sat down for a lovely banquet, which was prepared and catered by our Kosher Cafe "Jerusalem" buffet style!

During the meal,"Academic Band" played live music and many wished the parents of the baby good wishes. At the end of the banquet, Rabbi Yossi Marozov recited a chassidic discourse followed by grace after meals and a special prayer which is recited by six different guests for the health of the baby.

Interesting to note, that the baby's grandfather is also named Menachem Mendel Marozov, who celebrated his 99th birthday the day after the Bris! He was extremely happy to receive a phone call from Ulyanovsk to New York to hear of the exciting news that he has another great grandchild with the same name as him!

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